Our Ministries make up the lifeblood of ACF. Without people serving there will be no church. We invite you to consider how you could use your gifts to encourage and serve one another in this church family. Contact us for more information.
Children’s Ministry
World Changers: is the name for the children’s ministry at ACF serving children aged 4-12. We are organized into 3 age-groups and meet every Sunday during the second half of the worship service.
If you are a committed Christian, eager to serve children and parents of our church and perhaps also develop your gift for teaching the Bible then we would love you to get in touch and join us. We have roles for those with or without previous experience with children and the average commitment is one Sunday per month. Questions or inquiries can be made to Martine at: world-changers@antwerpchristianfellowship.org
Sprouts: our toddler group, is for children aged 1.5 – 3 years old.
We find it very important to start already at this young age because during the toddler years, children are beginning to develop a sense of self and an awareness of others and the world around them. They are beginning to learn more about Jesus and we help them do this through bible stories, singing, dancing, arts and play, and most importantly they get to know Jesus loves them through our dedicated team of teachers and assistants.
If you would like more information or if you would like to join our team please contact Camila or Camilo at: sprouts@antwerpchristianfellowship.org

Street Evangelism
The Street Evangelism team goes out once a month (usually the second Saturday of the month) in various locations throughout the city of Antwerp; sometimes singing but always sharing who Jesus is with the city. New members are welcome to join for just a month or on a more regular basis. This team is lead by Ildiko. Contact her for this months meeting location and time.
To get involved, Contact us for more information.

Tech Team
Every week the tech team sets up all the equipment required for the sound during the service. They install and run every microphone and instrument on stage, every loudspeaker, the pastor’s microphone, and much more.
They also provide the mix for the worship during service, and the recordings of the sermons on the ACF website. If you would like to learn more about this team, please Contact us for more information.

Worship Team
We believe worship is a gateway to the presence of God and includes thoughtful hymns of faith along with dynamic contemporary songs.
A different team is on stage each week performing songs prayerfully selected by the leader aiming to open our hearts as well as respond to the sermon.
The members serving on Sunday usually meet the Saturday before at 6 PM to practice and then again on Sunday at 9 AM for a final sound check.
Contact us with questions or if interested to join.

Youth Ministry
The ACF Youth leaders seek to equip our youth to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We love gathering together, going on retreats, having pizzas and Dunkin donuts, playing basketball, playing Kahoot Bible quiz, studying/discussing the Word together, sharing our highs and lows and praying for each other. They meet once a month during Sunday service and gather once a month on a Saturday afternoon for devotions, fun and fellowship. Contact us for more information.

Media Ministry
Our media team helps communicate our mission to our community and the world around us. During services, they oversee the various slides shown including sermon slides, announcements, and worship lyrics. Online, they actively evangelise through the content that they create and share on our social media pages. So during services and other ACF events, they take pictures and videos for this purpose. They also send out ACF newsletters. If you’re interested in joining our media ministry, contact media@antwerpchristianfellowship.org

Ushering Ministry
The Ushers rotate each Sunday, arriving early to set up the information table and signs and be on hand to welcome the earliest arrivals. They help answer questions and show newcomers to the auditorium, assisting in finding seats when needed. They also man the information table after the service, being on hand for any inquiry, prints, sign-ups and to welcome first time attendants with a chocolate gift and receive contact information. If you would like to participate in this ministry, Contact us for more information.

Offering Ministry
The offering ministry assists in collecting the financial gifts during Sunday services, passing the offering bags throughout the rows, collecting and then counting the money afterwards. If you’d be able to participate in this ministry, please contact francois@antwerpchristianfellowship.org

Refreshment Ministry
After each Sunday service, coffee, tea and a few nibbles are served in the lobby. The refreshment team arrives before the service and sets up the refreshment table, making the coffee and tea so it’s ready as soon as service ends. They then serve the refreshments to those who come to the table and clean up afterwards. Contact us for more information.

Prayer Ministry
After service each Sunday 2 or 3 prayer team members are available to pray with anyone requesting personal prayer. Our team meets together one Sunday each month after church to pray together and encourage each other as well as share needs and praise reports! Church members can pass prayer requests to us via ‘Prayer Request’ forms found on the information table which are kept confidential if requested. Prayer is ongoing during the week… Not limited to Sundays!
We host an all-church prayer meeting on the 4th Sunday of the month before church. If interested in joining the prayer ministry, Contact us for more information.

Women’s Ministry
The Women’s ministry holds a monthly meeting on the first Saturday of every month called “My Sister’s Keeper” as we seek to be a place where every woman feels welcome and cared for. During each meeting, someone will share their testimony, a devotional, games and lead in worship, ending in prayer time. Refreshments are served after each meeting and brought by volunteers who also help set up and clean up on a rotating schedule. If you would like to be part of the volunteer team, please contact womensministry@antwerpchristianfellowship.org

Men’s Ministry
The Men’s ministry (M2) holds a men’s gathering once a month for bible study, prayer and fellowship on Saturday mornings as well as occasional special events. If you are interested in participating, Contact us for more information.

Events Ministry
This new ministry seeks to encourage community and build relationships between the brothers and sisters who attend ACF. They host and organize all-church events like potlucks, picnics and special seasonal events. If you are interested in serving the body by helping with events, please contact julie@antwerpchristianfellowship.org

Young Adults Ministry
This group of 18 to 30 year olds from all walks of life get together every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month for a bible study. Occasionally we organise events about spiritual or social topics. Our goal as young adults is to learn how to love God & each other well. If you’re interested in joining us, Contact us for more information.