We are an English and Flemish speaking church family in the heart of Antwerp offering spiritual hope and encouragement to the local and international community. Welcome!
We nodigen u graag uit om deel te nemen aan onze zondagsviering om 10u30. Onze vieringen zijn in het Engels, maar als Christelijke kerk verwelkomen we zowel de lokale Nederlandstalige bevolking als de internationale gemeenschap in Antwerp. We willen u hoop en bemoediging bieden in een familiale sfeer. Welkom!

Sundays at ACF
New to our church? If you are visiting for the first time, here’s what you can expect on a typical Sunday morning.

Leadership Team
Our church is served by a wonderful, passionate group of leaders. Follow link to learn more about the leadership at ACF.

Sermons are at the center of our Sunday worship services. Here you will find our sermon archive. We have the sermons arranged by series / topic.

We are a gospel-centered church in our worship, teaching, and equipping disciples.

We are a loving-church since love is the greatest reflection of Christian faith and hope.

We are an outreach-church because Jesus has sent us on mission to tell others of his life, death on the cross and resurrection even to the ends of the earth.
Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.
Jeremiah 29:7